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CGLA Directory Reference


file  ArithMatFloat.h [code]
file  ArithQuat.h [code]
file  ArithSqMat2x2Float.h [code]
file  ArithSqMat3x3Float.cpp
file  ArithSqMat3x3Float.h [code]
 Abstract 3x3 floating point matrix class.
file  ArithSqMat4x4Float.cpp
file  ArithSqMat4x4Float.h [code]
 Abstract 4x4 floating point matrix class.
file  ArithSqMatFloat.h [code]
 Abstract floating point matrix class.
file  ArithVec.h [code]
 Abstract vector class.
file  ArithVec2Float.cpp
file  ArithVec2Float.h [code]
 Abstract 2D floating point vector class.
file  ArithVec3Float.cpp
file  ArithVec3Float.h [code]
 Abstract 3D floating point vector class.
file  ArithVec3Int.h [code]
file  ArithVec4Float.h [code]
 Abstract 4D floating point vector class.
file  ArithVec4Int.h [code]
 Abstract 4D integer vector class.
file  ArithVecFloat.h [code]
 Abstract 2D floating point vector class.
file  ArithVecInt.h [code]
 Abstract integer vector class.
file  BitMask.h [code]
 BitMask class for selecting bit subsets ... possibly a bit dusty.
file  CGLA.h [code]
 CGLA main header: contains a number of constants and function decs.
file  eigensolution.cpp
file  eigensolution.h [code]
 Compute eigensolutions for symmetric CGLA matrices.
file  ExceptionStandard.h [code]
 Exceptions are not much used in CGLA, but these classes define what we throw.
file  gel_rand.cpp
file  Mat2x2d.h [code]
 2x2 double matrix class
file  Mat2x2f.h [code]
 2x2 float matrix class
file  Mat2x3d.h [code]
 2x3 double matrix class
file  Mat2x3f.h [code]
 2x3 float matrix class
file  Mat3x3d.cpp
file  Mat3x3d.h [code]
 3x3 double matrix class
file  Mat3x3f.cpp
file  Mat3x3f.h [code]
 3x3 float matrix class
file  Mat4x4d.cpp
file  Mat4x4d.h [code]
 4x4 double matrix class
file  Mat4x4f.cpp
file  Mat4x4f.h [code]
 4x4 float matrix class
file  Quatd.h [code]
 Double based quaternion class.
file  Quaternion.h [code]
 Quaternion is an alias for Quatf - float based quaternions.
file  Quatf.h [code]
 float based quaternion class
file  Ray.cpp
file  Ray.h [code]
file  statistics.cpp
file  statistics.h [code]
file  TableTrigonometry.cpp
file  TableTrigonometry.h [code]
 Tabulated trigonometry - not certain this is useful.
file  UnitVector.h [code]
 Unitvector coded with two angles - possibly not efficient.
file  Vec2d.h [code]
 2D double vector class.
file  Vec2f.h [code]
 2D float vector class.
file  Vec2i.cpp
file  Vec2i.h [code]
 2D int vector class.
file  Vec2ui.h [code]
 2D unsigned integer vector class.
file  Vec3d.h [code]
 3D double vector class.
file  Vec3f.cpp
file  Vec3f.h [code]
 3D float vector class.
file  Vec3Hf.h [code]
 Homogeneous 3D vector class - really a 4D vector.
file  Vec3i.cpp
file  Vec3i.h [code]
file  Vec3uc.h [code]
 3D unsigned char vector.
file  Vec3usi.h [code]
 3D unsigned short integer vector class.
file  Vec4d.h [code]
 4D double vector class.
file  Vec4f.h [code]
 4D float vector class.
file  Vec4i.h [code]
 4D integer vector class.
file  Vec4uc.h [code]
 4D unsigned char vector